Student Discipline and Placement (SD&P)

  • Department Description 

    Student Discipline and Placement supports campuses in interpreting the FWÏã¸ÛÁùºÏ²ÊÖ±²¥¿ª½± Student Code of Conduct.  District Hearing Officers help determine the least restrictive options for students requiring alternative placement.  In addition, they offer a Diversionary Referral Program that some students may be eligible to participate in, in lieu of a level II DAEP.  The hearing officer will determine eligibility for the Diversionary Referral Program.  The department provides regular data reports to campuses on their disciplinary practices in the interest of decreasing suspensions and expulsions and improving the instructional continuity for students facing disciplinary action.

    Department Initiatives

    • Alternative/Responsive Education
    • On Campus Intervention
    • Residential Facilities
    • Diversionary Referral Program (DRP)
    • Diversionary Action Plans (DAP)
    • Objective third party hearings (Due Process)
    • Student code of conduct
    • Contract campus oversight (Juvenile Justice Department Facilities and  Residential Treatment Facilities )
    • Administrator training  in restorative options
    • Restorative practices support
    • Campus consultations

    Facts to Know

    FWÏã¸ÛÁùºÏ²ÊÖ±²¥¿ª½± embraces a district-wide adoption of Restorative Practices.  Restorative and Equitable Practices are featured throughout the Student Code of Conduct.  Reducing Out of School Suspensions and Disproportionality are district goals.        

    Personnel:    Principal/Program Administrator, Coordinator,  3 Hearing Officers, 22 Teachers, 1 Data Clerk, 1 Administrative Associate and 3 Campus Administrators    

    Funding:       100% Local


    • Expanding campus capacity to manage challenging student behaviors; identifying and addressing root causes
    • Expanding the appreciation for Restorative Practices