Middle School College Exploration

The first step is to think about what you like and what type of person you are - do you like math? science? English? the keyboarding class you're taking this year? Do you prefer doing things by yourself or do you prefer working with people? Do you like working outside or would you prefer an office job? Are you good with numbers? Do you like paperwork?

Talk with family members, friends, and people in the community about the jobs they're doing. Do any of their jobs interest you?

  • Job shadow someone who is currently working in the career(s) which sounds interesting to you. 
  • Research what type of educational background or training is necessary to work in your chosen area(s).
  • Begin Researching Colleges. You'll find that there are many colleges out there. 



GO Centers have proven to be a successful resource for students and their families because of their accessibility and usage on high school and middle school campuses, throughout the community and college/universities campuses. GO Center Partners include colleges and universities, college advisors and community organizations. Throughout strong collaboration and coordination GO Centers are increasing the impact for more students accessing and going to college.