• What does Proposition A (TRE) say?

    Posted by:

    First, the ballot language is set by state law, cannot be changed and can be confusing.  Second, Proposition A (TRE) only addresses the M&O Tax Rate.  The ballot will ask voters to approve a total tax rate of $1.352 per $100 property valuation. It will also say that this rate is $.02 higher than the school district rollback tax rate ($1.04), which is true on the M & O side.  The proposition does not explain that the Debt Service Tax Rate was reduced by the same amount by Board Resolution so that the total tax rate of $1.352 remains the same as the prior year with the passage of Proposition A.  The actual ballot language follows and will asks voters to vote For or Against:

    Approving the ad valorem tax rate of $1.3520 per $100 valuation in Fort Worth Independent School District for the current year, the rate that is $0.02 higher per $100 valuation than the school district rollback tax rate, for the purpose of maintenance and operations.

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  • What is a Penny Swap Tax Ratification Election?

    Posted by:

    Through a voter-approved penny exchange, 香港六合彩直播开奖 would take 2 pennies from the Debt Service Tax Rate (also known as the Interest and Sinking (I&S) Tax Rate) and move them to the Maintenance and Operations (M&O) Tax Rate.

    This move, called a “Penny Swap”, would allow the District to keep the total tax rate at $1.352. The Penny Swap will not cause an increase in the tax rate paid by taxpayers. This approval will provide the 香港六合彩直播开奖 with an additional $23 million annually, as more fully explained in this Q & A.

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  • What is the difference between a Tax Ratification Election and a Penny Swap?

    Posted by:

    A school district must hold a Tax Ratification Election (TRE) when it is asking voters to consider raising the M & O Tax Rate above $1.04.  香港六合彩直播开奖 is asking voters to consider a 2-cent increase to the M&O Tax Rate which will, at the same time, decrease the Debt Service Tax Rate by the same 2 cents. This particular Tax Ratification Election can also be called a Penny Swap because the swap is tax neutral.  For some school districts, Tax Ratification Elections may result in an increase to the total tax rate.  However, the 2017 TRE in 香港六合彩直播开奖 will NOT result in an increase to the total tax rate. The total tax rate will remain the same $1.352 if the 2017 TRE Penny Swap is approved by voters.

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  • How does a Penny Swap result in more state funding?

    Posted by:

    The State guarantees every school district the same amount of revenue that Austin 香港六合彩直播开奖 raises with a penny of M&O Tax Rate up to $1.06. By not accessing the additional M&O pennies, the District is not receiving and not benefiting from available state funding.

    The state also guarantees a specific amount of funding per student for each cent of tax effort for both M&O and Debt Service pennies.  By moving the 2-cents from Debt Service to M&O, we are able to benefit from the higher amount of funding per student the state provides.  Currently, the Debt Service pennies are worth $35 per student (.29 per $100 valuation), while the M&O pennies are worth $99.41 per student ($1.06 per $100 valuation).  So, by moving two pennies from the Debt Service Fund to the  Maintenance & Operations Fund the District will keep the overall total tax rate (M&O + Debt Service) the same but will yield much more money for the District’s maintenance and operations.

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  • How do I know if I鈥檓 eligible to vote in the November 7 Penny Swap Tax Ratification and Bond Program

    Posted by:

    To look up your voter registration status, visit 

    To register to vote, you must complete and submit a voter application by October 10.

    Comments (-1)
  • When can I vote?

    Posted by:

    Early Voting is October 23 through November 3.

    Election Day is Tuesday, November 7. Polling locations are open 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.

    Comments (-1)
  • Where can I vote?

    Posted by:

    A list of early voting locations located on the website. For more information, please call the at 817-831-8683, or if you’re voting .

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  • Will the District work with the Citizens Oversight Committee (COC) if the bond passes?

    Posted by:

    Yes, the COC is a group of individuals from community and professional organizations appointed by the Board. The COC will review and evaluate program status and bond fund expenditures, make regular reports to the Board of Education and Superintendent. All reports will be posted for the public via the District website, and their meetings are open to the public.

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  • If the Penny Swap is approved by voters, how will FW香港六合彩直播开奖 use the additional $23 million/year?

    Posted by:

    The additional revenue will be spent on:

    • Life cycle improvements at elementary and middle schools, new buses, safety and security, technology improvements, HVAC and energy efficiency, and band uniforms and instruments, just to name a few types of projects;
    • In the event taxable property values decrease in the future, some of the additional funding may be used to offset a funding gap between anticipated revenues and expenditures.
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  • If the Penny Swap is not approved, how will FW香港六合彩直播开奖 fund projects that are identified above?

    Posted by:

    If the Penny Swap is not approved by voters, the District would not be able to provide immediate funds for these projects. 香港六合彩直播开奖 would have to consider reallocating funds from the existing Maintenance & Operations budget or defer the projects/expenditures to a future bond referendum.

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  • If the Penny Swap passes, is FW香港六合彩直播开奖 shifting the money from paying on bonds to day-to-day operations

    Posted by:

    No. Tax collections received would be moved from the Debt-Service Fund (I&S) to the General Fund (M&O). The increased M&O Tax Rate will generate more local and state revenue for the daily operations of the District.  The bond principal and interest payments will not change as a result of the TRE.  Because of increased taxable property values, the reduced Debt Service Tax Rate (I&S) will yield the funds required to pay the annual debt principal and interest payments. 

    It’s important to note:

    If the Penny Swap passes, 香港六合彩直播开奖 should receive more than $23M in additional funding each year. If the Penny Swap does not pass, 香港六合彩直播开奖 will not receive additional local or state funding. The amount of principal and interest debt payment will not change if a TRE passes or fails. 

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  • If interest rates rise, would the Penny Swap provide less funds to pay for the debt?

    Posted by:

    No, all of the existing debt is already fixed. 香港六合彩直播开奖 has no floating or adjustable debt.  All payments are fixed at the time of bond sales. The actual amount of debt is set and does not change regardless of a Penny Swap. Tax ratification elections are intended to result in increased revenue; they do not affect the debt structure in any way.

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  • Does 香港六合彩直播开奖 refund debt to take advantage of lower interest rates?

    Posted by:

    Yes, just as many homeowners take advantage of lower interest rates, 香港六合彩直播开奖 refinances or “refunds” bonds from higher to lower interest rates to save money. When bonds are sold, generally there is a time period where the bonds cannot be refinanced (refunded) to guarantee the bond purchaser a set amount of interest income.  However, after a certain period, bonds can become “callable” at which time a school district can refund the bonds to save money (depending on interest rates at the proposed time the bonds become callable). 

    Refunding bonds is a matter of taking advantage of lower interest rate levels and is not related to this TRE.  Bond payments are fixed and known from the time a bond is sold until it is paid off unless it is refunded.  The fact that interest rates are known and bond repayment schedules are fixed is part of the reason 香港六合彩直播开奖 can achieve millions in savings when calling bonds.  Over the years, the District has saved millions of dollars in interest payments by refunding bonds at lower interest rates to save money.

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  • Does refunding create additional debt?

    Posted by:

    No, refunding is like refinancing a home from a higher interest rate to a lower interest rate.  At 香港六合彩直播开奖, the refundings have saved millions of dollars.  The debt payments of 香港六合彩直播开奖 are independent of any TRE funding.  For example, in a household, if an individual’s income increases, the amount they may pay on a fixed mortgage does not change because of increased income. The TRE impacts a revenue source and does not affect fixed debt payments.

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  • If both propositions pass on November 7, when will construction start?

    Posted by:

    The District is in the process of developing a timeline for all projects and planned expenditures.  A RFQ for an Owner Representative to manage the 2017 Capital Improvement Program will be advertised beginning 9/18/17 with submissions due on 10/10/17 by 10:00 a.m.  If both propositions pass on November 7, the District will immediately begin the process of planning and mobilizing to support the program.  Updated timelines and schedules will be posted to the District’s CIP website under 2017 Bond. 

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  • This 2-cent 鈥渟wap鈥 will result in about a $23M increase in state and local funding to FW香港六合彩直播开奖. Why?

    Posted by:

    The 2-cent swap will allow the District to take full advantage of the state’s enrichment funding.  The State guarantees every school district the same amount of revenue that the Austin 香港六合彩直播开奖 raises with a penny of tax rate up to $1.06.  By swapping the 2 cents from the Debt Service Tax Rate to the M & O Tax Rate we gain an additional $17 million dollars from state funding on an annual basis.  The additional $6 million comes from the local tax collections that use to go to pay debt that was shifted to now serve as revenue to fund maintenance and operations.  

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  • Is the 2-cent Penny Swap for just one year or will it continue?

    Posted by:

    Each year the Board of Trustees adopts an ordinance setting the M & O and the Debt Service Tax Rates for the next budget year.  The Board adopted an M & O tax rate of $1.06/$100 for the 2017-2018 school year, which requires approval by voters to ratify the rate.  If approved, the M & O tax rate will remain at $1.06/$100 without subsequent voter approval.     

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  • Shouldn鈥檛 the Tarrant Appraisal District鈥檚 estimated increases in property values (cont. below)

    Posted by:

    Q: Shouldn’t the Tarrant Appraisal District’s (TAD’s) estimated increases in property values (resulting in increased tax collections) provide sufficient funds for 香港六合彩直播开奖 to operate? 

    A: The state uses a formula to determine the total amount of local and state aid that the District is projected to earn based on student average daily attendance and special population data.  They subtract the amount of local tax collections the District is projected to receive to determine how much state aid the District will receive.  Basically, if the tax collections go up, the state aid goes down proportionally. 

    The amount of revenue we receive each year is to fund the basic operations of the District for that year only.  Unfortunately, it does not provide the revenue necessary to fund capital expenditures that are necessary to build new facilities, make major improvements and renovations to existing facilities, replace aging buses and equipment and replace outdated technology. 

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  • Does the proposed Penny Swap take away resources so debt is paid later?听

    Posted by:

    The Penny Swap impacts a revenue source and does not affect fixed debt payments.  The debt payments will continue to be paid from the tax revenues received from the $.292 assessed Debt Service Tax Rate. 

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  • What is the status of the 2013 capital improvement program (CIP)?

    Posted by:

    As of September 15, 2017, 87% of the 2013 CIP is complete. All projects are projected to be complete Summer, 2018.

    A complete list of all 2013 projects and their current status, updated daily, is available at /Page/12509

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  • What projects have not been completed from the 2013 capital improvement program (CIP)?

    Posted by:

    All 2013 CIP projects will be completed by the end of summer of 2018 or sooner.

    We monitored and adjusted projects as work begins, and often must react to site constraints as we discover them.

    We have four major construction projects that will go into 2018. They are:

    • Arlington Heights High School (new construction of kitchen cafeteria, classroom renovation.)  This is brand new.  We were partnering with the city to resolve parking issues before construction could begin.
    • Poly High School (12-classroom addition) The scope of work was changed from kitchen cafeteria to change to much-needed 12 classroom addition and approved by the Board after uncovering construction difficulties regarding the topography of the site.
    • Terrell VPA Stem Academy (including a 900-seat performance hall.) We responded to the delayed timeline of relocating families from Butler Housing. This allowed children to complete their academic year at the existing I.M. Terrell Elementary.  These same children now attended the brand-new Van Zandt-Guinn Elementary. Additionally, Dr. Scribner took advantage of the delay to ensure the development a rigorous and robust core college preparatory curriculum of the new VPA/STEM Academy.
    • Morningside Middle School (new kitchen, expanded cafeteria seating) – This location presented a challenge in site constraints and required more funding. To address the site constraints, more dollars were required. We determined there was enough money in the contingency funds to provide the children with what they needed.

    We’ve used 87% and remaining 13% will be spent by the end of summer 2018.

    The last five kitchen cafeteria projects were the last in the sequence. We have sufficient funds.

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Tanglewood FAQ

  • Will students at Tanglewood and the new school remain in the McLean and Paschal Pyramid?

    Posted by:

    Yes, the FW香港六合彩直播开奖 issued a letter on August 22, 2017 specifically addressing this point.

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  • Where will the new school be located?

    Posted by:

    The FW香港六合彩直播开奖 is currently in active negotiations for property within the current Tanglewood boundaries for property west of Hulen and near the library.  The District is hopeful that the specific location can be shared soon (before the election, if at all possible) but negotiations are two-way.

    Comments (-1)
  • Will the attendance zones for Tanglewood change?

    Posted by:

    No, the overall attendance zone for Tanglewood will not change.  However, the current zone will be split into two zones – one for Tanglewood attendance and one for the new school attendance. 

    Comments (-1)
  • What are the boundaries of the two new attendance zones?

    Posted by:

    The boundaries will be set at Hulen Street and Bellaire Drive.  Students living south of Bellaire Drive and students living west of Hulen will attend the new school.  Students living north of Bellaire and east of Hulen will attend Tanglewood.

    Comments (-1)
  • What are the items on the ballot for the November 7 election?

    Posted by:

    The two propositions on the ballot include a “Penny Swap” Tax Ratification Election (proposition A) and a $750 million bond proposal (proposition B).  These two are designed to work in tandem. 

    Comments (-1)
  • Is the bond package for Tanglewood separate on the ballot or is it a part of the overall package?

    Posted by:

    The new campus is part of the overall FW香港六合彩直播开奖 bond package and is not a separate item on the ballot.

    Comments (-1)
  • How large or what is the enrollment capacity of the new school?

    Posted by:

    The new school will immediately have a capacity for approximately 550 students, with the ability to expand in the future to serve 650.  This will include PK and allow for potential growth within the existing Tanglewood school community.

    Comments (-1)
  • How large is the proposed piece of property being considered for the new school?

    Posted by:

    The property under negotiation would be between 7 and 12 acres.  The current Tanglewood campus sits on 6 acres.

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  • Will half of the Tanglewood staff move to the new school?

    Posted by:

    Teachers will have the option of moving to the new school.  District policy outlines the process when teachers are re-assigned to a new campus.  Variables such as campus needs, teacher certification and seniority are considered when determining which teachers are reassigned.  Additional teachers will be hired by both schools, if needed.

    Comments (-1)
  • How will the floorplan of the new school look? (i.e. separate gym, auditorium, cafeteria etc.)

    Posted by:

    The new school design cannot be developed until/unless the bond passes.  The architect designated for the project will design the school based on specifications provided by the District, the Steering Committee, and Transition teams.  We recognize the Tanglewood community’s commitment to maintaining the same characteristics in the new school as we currently have at the existing Tanglewood.

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  • What playground equipment is included in the plan for the new school?

    Posted by:

    There are some equipment and/or allowances for playground equipment. Playground equipment will be consistent with the equipment installed at other new FW香港六合彩直播开奖 elementary school.  Some equipment, such as the sport court, seen at Tanglewood are purchases provided by the Tanglewood PTA and would not be included in the budget.  However, the Steering Committee and the Transitions Teams are eager to establish the new school PTA in advance of its opening to begin fundraising plans for future purchases.

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  • Will the new school and Tanglewood have full time staff if enrolment is between 450-500 students?

    Posted by:

    Both schools will have fulltime librarians, counselors, and clerks!

    Comments (-1)
  • What is the timeline for the new school if the bond passes in November?

    Posted by:

    The first big step is purchasing the property.  The negotiations are active, and it is expected that property will be secured in the near future.  As soon as the bond passes, the design work will begin.  Optimistically, the design and bidding process will be completed by fall with allowance for about a year to complete the project.

    Comments (-1)
  • How is a new school named?

    Posted by:

    The community will have an opportunity to voice their opinions and make recommendations to the Board and our Board Member. The FW香港六合彩直播开奖 school board will make the final decision.

    Comments (-1)
  • Will classrooms being moved from Tanglewood take all of the technology, supplies, and equipment?

    Posted by:

    Upgraded technology is a huge piece of the “Penny Swap.”  Moving equipment from Tanglewood will be negotiated consistent with District policy.  If both propositions pass, we will able to discuss and make collaborative decisions around specific recommendations in the coming months.

    Comments (-1)
  • Will the District assist the new school with supplemental expenditures until they are established?

    Posted by:

    PTA funds numerous supplemental instructional programs, novel units and events for Tanglewood each year.  In addition, PTA pays for the computer lab assistant.  The District will provide the new school with the same programs that exist at all elementary schools.  PTA purchases these programs annually and should make this a priority for the new school.  It is possible that Tanglewood and the new school PTA can work together to make sure that both schools have materials needed.  The new school can request assistance.  The District will continue to be equitable with all schools when allocating funds for supplemental programs.

    Comments (-1)
  • Would you please provide an update on the current construction project at Tanglewood?

    Posted by:

    The project is in full swing.  The new parking lot will be completed before early voting October 23 – November 3 (to be held at Tanglewood) and the November 7 election.  In addition, several new sidewalks will be installed on the campus.  Early voters will be able to park on the temporary lot and teachers will be on the new lot.  The cafeteria project is also moving along.  The old kitchen has been removed and infrastructure work in that area is well underway.  Over Thanksgiving break, some of the work will be completed that needs to be done when children are not in attendance.  (Clayton will not be on the campus during Thanksgiving or Winter Break).  Plans for the restrooms and the library expansion are being developed at this time.

    Comments (-1)
  • Why should one donate to WAC or the Tanglewood Auction if their children are going to a new school?

    Posted by:

    Money raised by WAC and the auction are for maintaining and enhancing Tanglewood this year and next year.  Much of the money raised is essential to continue existing programs (i.e. technology lab assistant, consumable instructional support materials, and events).  PTA will have to determine if/when money is allocated to the new school and how much is to be shared.  There are some PTA policies that govern these decisions that will be followed.  This is a moot issue if WAC and the auction do not raise necessary funds.  PLEASE DONATE!   We are in the process of doing a fiscal analysis of funds needed for maintenance of existing programs and needs this year and next year.  All of the children are Tanglewood Tigers at least through next year.  Please do not sacrifice our children for the next two years by withholding donations.

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  • Can a KG-5 child transfer if they are currently attending pre-k outside their attendance zone?

    Posted by:

    Per Board Policy, Pre-kindergarten students may attend a program outside their attendance area if there is space available, but must return to their home campus for grades KG – 5.

    Comments (-1)
  • What is a Penny Swap Tax Ratification Election? How does it appear on the ballot?

    Posted by:

    First, the ballot language is set by state law, cannot be changed and can be confusing.  Second, Proposition A (TRE) only addresses the M&O Tax Rate.  The ballot will ask voters to approve a total tax rate of $1.352 per $100 property valuation. It will also say that this                             

    rate is $.02 higher than the school district rollback tax rate ($1.04), which is true on the M & O side.  The proposition does not explain that the Debt Service Tax Rate was reduced by the same amount by Board Resolution so that the total tax rate of $1.352 remains the same as the prior

    year with the passage of Proposition A.  The actual ballot language follows and will asks voters to vote For or Against:

    Approving the ad valorem tax rate of $1.3520 per $100 valuation in Fort Worth Independent School District for the current year, the rate that is $0.02 higher per $100 valuation than the school district rollback tax rate, for the purpose of maintenance and operations.

    Through a voter-approved penny exchange, 香港六合彩直播开奖 would take 2 pennies from the Debt Service Tax Rate (also known as the Interest and Sinking (I&S) Tax Rate) and move them to the Maintenance and Operations (M&O) Tax Rate. 

    This move, called a “Penny Swap”, would allow the District to keep the total tax rate at $1.352.  The “Penny Swap” will not cause an increase in the tax rate paid by taxpayers.  This approval will provide the 香港六合彩直播开奖 with an additional $23 million annually.

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  • What is in Proposition B?

    Posted by:

    Proposition B authorizes the purchase of property and the construction of the new Tanglewood Relief Elementary School.

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  • Will either proposition result in my property tax rate increasing?

    Posted by:

    Neither proposition A or proposition B will result in an increase in your proper tax rate.

    Comments (-1)
  • Where can we find more information about the Penny Swap/Bond Package for all school in FW香港六合彩直播开奖?

    Posted by:

    Go to the FW香港六合彩直播开奖 website () and go to the section that says Bond Program.   It is on the left side of the home page.

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