Digital Safety and Responsibility
  • Teaching digital safety, citizenship, and responsibility is a crucial component of today’s classroom.  In Ïã¸ÛÁùºÏ²ÊÖ±²¥¿ª½±, we want to help students incorporate and practice good digital habits.  Information presented in our Digital Responsibility: Safe and Responsible Use of Technology series will provide a strong foundation for safe, successful use of the Internet for all students. We encourage you to take notes while watching the video series. You’ll want to remember many of the important tips and details shared in the Digital Responsibility series. 


    The Digital Responsibility series gives students the tools and resources to learn about online safety and citizenship. We’ve created this video series to make it easier to incorporate and practice good digital habits in your everyday lives. Packed with valuable insight, this series will help students, teachers, and parents discuss, learn, and think about online safety together. Start with the introduction, and then, watch the other videos in the series:   , , , , and .  






    Information provided in the videos from our Digital Responsibility: Safe and Responsible Technology Use series comes from two sources:  Google’s Be Internet Awesome Curriculum and Family Guide as well as Common Sense Media Educator Curriculum.  Both sources provide valuable information for parents, teachers, and students to ensure kids have the skills they need to be safe and smart online.  For more information, visit  or .