United Voices 4 Change

Let your VOICE be heard!!

  • UV4C is a student group open to any and all students who want to work together for positive change on the TCC - South Collegiate Campus and within our community. 

    Our vision is for students to work to create a problem-free community!

    The Mission of United Voices for Change is to enhance the high school experience in FW香港六合彩直播开奖.

    Students working together to address common concerns, providing service to the community, and learning positive qualities and life skills that enable us to be the best we can be. 


    Meetings: Thursdays in room 1210 during lunch  To Be Determined 

    Sponsor: Professor D. Cole

    Email: donna.cole@fwisd.org



    On Thursday, May 2nd, the UV4C leadership team from our school (Kamaria Horace, Cristal Castillo, Karla Almanza, Daniela Espinoza) gave a presentation at the Cendera Center in front of a crowd of hundreds.  In addition to the nineteen high schools, sponsors and students in attendance, the audience included parents, central administration staff, principals, guests from the business community (who have donated thousands of dollars to the program), and the mayor of Forest Hill.  The presentation highlighted the yearly project completed by UV4C.  This year the group focused on anti-bullying, specifically being an Upstander and not a Bystander.  The Upstander program was founded by the parents of Tyler Clementi following his suicide at Rutgers University.  Tyler's suicide made national news once it was discovered that cyberbullying was the direct contributor to his death.  Our UV4C team created a week-long project centered on his story to educate our students about the dangers of cyberbullying and encourage them to stand up against it instead of participating.  At the end of the project, 89 students at our school signed the Upstander pledge.  
    These young ladies did a fantastic job representing our school!  Further, Kamaria Horace was honored with a senior cord and spoke to her future plans.