

Degrees and Certifications:

BS Early Childhood Education, TCU Art Specilization

Gina Oelfke

Grade: 1st Grade

Degrees: Bachelor of Science in Education, Art Specialization

Certifications: TEA 1-5, ESL, GT

Email Address:


I was born in Houston, Texas. My family moved to Fort Worth when I was in 5th grade. I attended schools in FW香港六合彩直播开奖. After I graduated from TCU, I returned to FW香港六合彩直播开奖 but this time as a teacher. I am now teaching my past student's children!

I began my teaching career at M. L.Phillips. I completed my student teaching assignment at M. L. Phillips and then became a first grade teacher. I have been at our school for 31 years. I can think of no other place I would rather be. It is a wonderful school with amazing students, supportive parents, and caring/dedicated teachers.

I have always loved working with children. Nothing brings me greater joy than the look on a child's face when they have broken through a barrier, completed a project that they can't wait to share, or just the huge smile on their face knowing that their classroom family loves them and will always be their cheerleader, helper, or friend. I know that the future will bring many wonderful things to my students and they will be a valuable member of our society..