• Our School History

    Boulevard Heights School first opened as J.P. Moore in 1987 to serve students who lived at Fort Worth State School. Initially the school served about 100 students per year. Many of these students had severe behavior issues, and the staff became adept in dealing with these. In 1990 the program accepted its first student who did not live at the State School. Her arrival at the school for behavior support signaled a shift in direction. Over several years the program developed into a school with a specialty of serving students with intellectual disabilities and/or autism and serious behavior problems. After moving to Bluebonnet School and then to its current location at 5100 El Campo, the school became Boulevard Heights in 1994.

    Boulevard Heights School serves FW香港六合彩直播开奖 as a facility which can teach those students who have not had success on typical campuses. It also has an outreach program, Project ASSIST, which helps many other students to be successful in general education environments. The school has developed a reputation for its "can do" attitude and its dedication to see that all students truly receive a free and appropriate public education. Staff members form close relationships with students and their families, and the help offered by the school often extends beyond the classroom environment.


    Our School Goal

    The goal of Boulevard Heights is to teach students to manage their own behaviors so that they can be successful in a less restrictive environment. To accomplish that end, a variety of instructional and behavioral techniques are utilized. Students are not sent home for misbehavior; instead misbehaviors are seen as opportunities to teach appropriate behavior skills. Believing that all students can learn, staff at Boulevard Heights are passionate about their calling to see their students be successful and to fulfill the motto of our school, "Changing the World-One Student at a Time."


    What do we do
    Boulevard Heights School serves approximately 50 students at any given time who are ages 3-22 who have Intellectual disabilities and/or Autism and severe behavior problems which have prevented them from being successful on a general campus.  Students come to Boulevard Heights through the ARD process and stay until their behaviors are remediated to the point where they can be successful in a less restrictive environment.  Students receive a full range of special education services including, but not limited to Speech, OT, PT, Music Therapy and Adapted PE as dictated by their IEPs.  They also receive instruction in ELA, Math, Science, Social Studies, Social Skills, Community Living, Domestics and Vocational Skills.  At the elementary level instruction is 75% academic and 25% functional.  In middle school, the ratio is 50% academic to 50% functional.  High school students receive 25% academic instruction and 75% functional instruction; for postsecondary students, all instruction is functional.
    boulevard heights