Learning at Home (Virtual Instruction)

  • What course options will my child have if virtual instruction is selected?

    Since Ïã¸ÛÁùºÏ²ÊÖ±²¥¿ª½± is starting school in a fully virtual environment, all courses will be offered during these first four weeks. 

    Elementary Schools: Teachers will design on-line lessons with the guidance and support of our Teaching and Learning Department, Curriculum Frameworks, and the use of District resources. Elementary School courses will be taught directly by a teacher in a common virtual learning platform. Classroom teachers will be responsible for extensions, grading, and student interaction. FWÏã¸ÛÁùºÏ²ÊÖ±²¥¿ª½± Teaching and Learning staff and campus Instructional Coaches will support teachers with instructional delivery during the first six weeks. Schedules will be determined by each individual campus.

    Middle Schools: Teachers will design on-line lessons with the guidance and support of our Teaching and Learning Department, Curriculum Frameworks, and the use of District resources. Middle School courses will be taught directly by a teacher in a common virtual learning platform. Classroom teachers will be responsible for extensions, grading, and student interaction. FWÏã¸ÛÁùºÏ²ÊÖ±²¥¿ª½± Teaching and Learning staff and campus Instructional Coaches will support teachers with instructional delivery during the first six weeks. Schedules will be determined by each individual campus.

    High Schools: Teachers will design on-line lessons with the guidance and support of our Teaching and Learning Department, Curriculum Frameworks, and the use of District resources. STAAR EOC courses will be taught directly by a teacher in a common virtual learning platform with daily teacher interaction in order to ensure student support is provided. Other core courses and graduation requirements will be taught directly by a teacher in a common virtual learning platform with daily teacher interaction as well. Higher Education partners have already announced that they will be offering most Dual Credit Courses virtually. Schedules will be determined by each individual campus.

    Who will lead online learning?

    Ïã¸ÛÁùºÏ²ÊÖ±²¥¿ª½± teachers will provide virtual instruction.

    What will the work schedule be for teachers who teach virtually?

    Virtual instruction teachers will follow a traditional teacher work schedule. Students will be required to engage in instruction for a minimum of 4 hours daily. Teachers will engage with students during the required instructional time, as well as maintain identified "office hours" to support student and parent communication. Office hours are designed as additional support and resource for the student and families, not to replace the instructional hours required.

    Will teachers be trained to instruct in the new format?

    Yes. During the spring and this past summer, teachers were provided the opportunity to engage in multiple professional learning experiences during our ConnectEd professional learning experiences. In addition, all teachers have received information about required virtual instruction modules that need to be completed by September 4.

    Will teachers and students be provided technology to be able to effectively teach and participate in the Virtual School?

    Yes. Teachers will use the existing technology in their classrooms. Chromebooks and hot spots are available for students.

    Will students enrolled in virtual instruction be assigned to a counselor?

    Yes, students enrolled in virtual instruction will work with their home campus counselors.

    Can students transfer from in-person instruction to virtual or from virtual to in-person, during the year?

    Yes, an opportunity to transfer from instructional platforms will be available.

    Will students in the virtual school have lessons in Social Emotional Learning?

    Yes, Social Emotional Learning will be a part of virtual instruction. There will be lessons embedded into core curriculum through culturally relevant pedagogy and practice.





    Will virtual instruction have set instructional times or self-paced learning?

    Virtual instruction will be an asynchronous, or self-paced, model of instruction. To support student learning, there will be direct instruction requirements that will require a student to engage with teachers at specific times. Schedules for instructional time will be established at each individual campus and by grade levels to ensure we are differentiating to meet the needs of all of our learners.

    How will my student be graded if they participate in virtual instruction?

    Grades for virtual instruction will follow all District grading policies. Numeric grades will be assigned for each 6-weeks and semester basis. There may be situations where courses selected by the student cannot be delivered in a virtual environment. In those situations, school counselors will work with the student to select an appropriate course that will be delivered virtually.

    How will attendance be taken if my student participates in virtual instruction?

    Attendance will be taken, daily, by the classroom teacher in one of three ways:

    1. Students engage in online learning and demonstrate progress with lessons, assignments, and teacher
    2. Students directly interact with their classroom teacher and teacher confirms student engagement for a particular day. Student/teacher interaction can be through multiple methods, including telephone or digital
    3. Students submit an assignment through the learning management system on a particular

    Students will be counted present on days in which they engage in one of these three methods.

    How will I communicate with my child’s/children’s teacher in a virtual setting?

    Teachers will be required to use a common learning platform. Teachers will use Google Classroom, Google Meet, and will also be required to set up a Google site in order to provide more direct communication to parents and families. More details on these sites will be shared with families from the Campus Leadership in the weeks to come.

    Will PreK be taught virtually?

    In-person learning options will resume when available. PreK will follow the same instructional delivery format as other grades. FWÏã¸ÛÁùºÏ²ÊÖ±²¥¿ª½± will offer a variety of models and instructional supports to PreK teachers and campuses. Schedules will be determined by individual campuses.