Daily Campus Cleaning

  • The District will utilize safe practices for the cleaning, sanitizing, and disinfecting of our school campuses while allowing students to engage in classroom activities. To ensure a sanitary environment for students and staff, the District will provide:

    • Routine cleaning of schools and facilities, with special attention to specific high-use areas
      • such as door handles, knobs, and buttons.
    • Increased disinfecting throughout the school day for restrooms and any other high-use common areas. Restrooms will be frequently stocked with soap and paper
    • Daily application of disinfectants registered with the EPA and approved for contact services.
    • Daily spraying of our facilities, buses, and classrooms including items such as computer keyboards, math manipulatives, books,
    • Cleaning supplies for each classroom, such as EPA certified disinfectant spray and disinfectant wipes to clean desks and surfaces
    • Professional development for campus custodians on the disinfecting of a facility or a specific site within a facility, should a confirmed case of COVID-19 be identified on a specific campus or site and need to be closed for a designated amount of time, as recommended by the