Credit By Exam


    cbe process






    Credit By Exams will be offered during four testing windows throughout the school year. Ïã¸ÛÁùºÏ²ÊÖ±²¥¿ª½± works through University of Texas High School to provide students with flexible acceleration testing that can be used for grade skipping, course acceleration, or course credit retrieval (see definitions and scoring requirements below). For grades 3-12, Ïã¸ÛÁùºÏ²ÊÖ±²¥¿ª½± pays for remote online testing, in order to provide a flexible online testing option for students. Utilizing remote online testing allows students to test from the convenience of home or school, provided there is access to a computer with a camera, student identification, and an internet connection.

    To sign-up for a Credit By Exam, please register through your school counselor. Once exams are processed, 3rd-12th Grade students will receive an email at their Ïã¸ÛÁùºÏ²ÊÖ±²¥¿ª½± email address from UTHS with instructions for completing the exam (if not received, please check your SPAM folder). Kinder-2nd Grade students will be notified via their school counselor and will be required to test on campus. Students will have up to 60 days from the email receipt to complete the exam. Your counselor will notify you when you exam is processed and your email has been sent. Please check your email as soon as notified by your counselor, if not received let them know ASAP. For additional information please reach out to your school counselor or Tyler Dean ( in the Gifted and Talented office.

    Per Texas Education and Administrative code, a student may only test twice in any subject area.

    Students, please visit the UT CBE Study Guides link for information regarding preparing for your credit by exam.

    Testing Windows* & Registration Deadlines for the 2023-2024 School Year

    October 2nd - December 1st Window - Registration Deadline September 8th


    January 9th - March 3rd Window - Registration Deadline December 8th


    April 1st - June 3rd Window - Registration Deadline March 1st


    July 1st – September 2nd Window - Registration Deadline May 3rd


    *The testing windows are for reporting purposes. Exams may be available before the date listed due to processing times. Every exam expires 60 days from the student email receipt from UTHS.

    The Fort Worth Independent School District uses credit by examination (CBE) to obtain course credit for the following purposes: 

    (a) acceleration (without prior instruction)

    • FWÏã¸ÛÁùºÏ²ÊÖ±²¥¿ª½± Policy EHDC(LOCAL):  “No prior instruction shall be defined as having no formal instruction in the specific course content/and or grade for which the examination is given.”  Requires a passing score of 80%. 

    (b) acceleration (with prior instruction) 

    • FWÏã¸ÛÁùºÏ²ÊÖ±²¥¿ª½± Policy EHDB(LOCAL):  “Prior instruction may include homeschooling, correspondence courses, independent study supervised by a parent or teacher, coursework, and or/experience in a foreign country, when documented as appropriate.” Requires a passing score of 70%.  

    Credit Retrieval (prior formal instruction)

    • Requires a passing score of 70%

    Placement/validation (prior instruction)

    • Requires a passing score of 70% 

    CBE Information