• Fine Arts: Where excellence isn’t just celebrated, it’s expected.

  • Fort Worth Mayor's Art Show

    Posted by Robert Richard on 5/6/2024

    On Saturday evening, WHHS competed in Mayor Mattie Parker's Art Show at Fort Works Art. We had five pieces of art that were selected from about 900 entries to be included in the show. They only pick 40–45 pieces for the show, so just getting into it is an accomplishment.

    Art from Nikole Aceves, Jimmy Rangel, and Belle Galvez (3 pieces) were picked.

    Congrats to Belle Galvez, who took 1st Place, which comes with a $500 prize and a stylish trophy.

    In addition to that, patrons bought two of her paintings, one for $500 and one for $250, so she scored $1250 on Saturday, which she commented, "That's more than I make in a month (at her job)!" Belle schmoozed with the mayor and had photographers all over her for the remainder of the evening. Her winning piece will hang in the Mayor's office for the next year.

    I'm extremely proud of my kids, especially Belle, who has had quite a year of accomplishments.

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  • State Art Competition

    Posted by Mr. Richard on 4/29/2024

    On April 26th and 27th, Mrs. Laforge and I traveled with four students to San Marcos for the State Art Competition and smashed it! Kateline Reygadas, Dorian Leyva (2 art pieces), Jada Simpson, & Karen Rascon came to compete.

    HUGE Congrats to Mrs. LaForge for guiding Karen Rascon to success and bringing our 2nd Gold Seal to Western Hills HS in the past three years.

    In addition to the Gold Seal, our kids also brought back Gold Medals:
    Kateline - Gold Medal
    Dorian - TWO Gold Medals
    Karen - Gold Medal & Gold Seal

    This year there were over 33,000 competitors.

    In the state competition, if you receive a Gold Medal, it means you received a perfect score. Usually about 900 in the state are given. Gold Seals are the top award. Traditionally, only 150 (160 this year) Gold Seals are awarded in the entire state. It would be statistically equivalent to placing in the Top 3 at State in a sport.

    On a side note, I want to point out the amazingly successful year Mrs. LaForge has had.

    Earlier in the year, her student, Idaly, won $1000 and the grand prize in which her art will be placed on the side of a 4-story condo along I-35 that hundreds of thousands will drive by each year.

    She had the 3rd most State qualifiers of all the art teachers in FW香港六合彩直播开奖.
    She helped her student bring the 2nd ever Gold Seal to WHHS at State.

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  • Senior Portfolio-District Champion

    Posted by Robert Richard on 4/12/2024

    Last night was the finale of the Fort Worth Senior Portfolio Competition. Jimmy Rangel and Mary "Belle" Galvez previously made the cut to the Top 10, and last night they rocked!. This is a competition based on the culmination of four years of dedicated work in the visual arts. So, it's not just quality, but also quantity. As a reminder, we compete against 4A, 5A, and 6A schools within 香港六合彩直播开奖. (Heights, Paschal, Northside, IM Terrell, etc.)

    Jimmy Rangel placed 3rd!
    Mary "Belle" Galvez took the crown as District Champion, 1st Place!

    We've placed and won before, but this is our first time having two of the Top 3 in one year.

    I would like to give a sincere thank you to Mrs. Flores, Mrs. Bowers, and Mrs. Espree for coming out and supporting the kids. They were very excited to see administrators there as they basked in their victories.

    On a personal note, my beautiful wife Krista, who teaches at AHHS, and her student Jordan, placed 2nd. So our house swept the Top 3, which was exciting for us as a couple.

    If you would like to see the exhibition, it is up through the weekend, just down the street, at House of Neville Gallery, near Tokyo Cafe on Camp Bowie.

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