• Polytechnic High School Celebrates the Exceptional Achievements of Jose Rosa

    Jose is a senior who has excelled both academically and athletically, demonstrating dedication, resilience, and a commitment to excellence!


    Jose Rosa has had an outstanding senior year, marked by significant accomplishments. Ranked 12th out of 241 in his graduating class, Jose's academic dedication is evident. He has taken multiple AP and OnRamps classes, showcasing his commitment to rigorous academic challenges.

    In addition to his academic achievements, Jose has excelled in athletics as an All-State powerlifter. In only his second year on the team, he made it to State, ranking 59th out of 123 competitors. Jose's dedication and hard work paid off when he broke the school squat record with an impressive 605 lbs lift.

    Jose's talents extend beyond academics and athletics. He has been a dedicated member of the mariachi band, playing the violin for four years, enriching his high school experience with musical excellence.

    Jose's achievements have earned him acceptance to the University of Texas at Arlington (UTA) with a full tuition scholarship to the School of Engineering. This opportunity reflects his hard work, determination, and the high regard in which he is held by both his teachers and peers.

    As Jose prepares to embark on his next journey at UTA, his story serves as an inspiration to his fellow students. Polytechnic High School is incredibly proud of Jose Rosa and his exceptional achievements. Congratulations to Jose and the entire Class of 2024!